Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Psychology of Religion

Religion has been around since the earliest days.   Its presence in the lives of ancient people has provided some of the greatest defining moments for them.   Not only were their lives have been dramatically changed by their worship of God but the history of the whole religious community in the world as well. Over time, man has evolved and transformed his form of worship into a higher, or in his terms, grander, level of adoration. The earliest and most transparent symbols of man's god are the nature around him, fire, sun, water, animals, trees, etc. They were a constant reminder of an eternal presence of a higher being that never fails to love and protect his people. This being, who has been given countless names, has served as mankind's greatest indescribable source of strength and inspiration. However, man, due to his insatiable quest and desire to worship more and to know God more, has in turn faced one of his most painful fates in terms of his religion.   He has pushed himself harder to be the one among a thousand many who intimately knows God best.   This struggle to rise above the so-called flocks of God provided a feeling that aims perfection at all costs. Perfection, in a strictest sense, does not tolerate mistakes, provides the harshest critiques, and requires the utmost attention and dedication.   There is no place for failure, or if there would be one, a genuine penance is needed, sometimes to the point of being physically painful. When man aims perfection in his religion and worship, he opens to attitudes, behaviors, beliefs, and rituals that would make him appear higher and grander than anyone else.   This perception of a perfect act of worship becomes the central goal in life, diminishing all that stands in the way, including the most basic and essential aspects of human life – relationships. To what extent of faith, worship, and religion is considered extreme and unhealthy? What makes a certain behavior or belief unusual or sometimes, hurtful at all?   To give a clearer and more definite answers to the questions basically require an explanation of how an individual expresses his faith. Psychologists, psychotherapists, and those who cater professionally and medically to the treatment and study of the mental and emotional well-being have been witnesses to the importance of one's faith in his daily life.   Religion, as mentioned earlier, can provide inspiration and strength to move forward and to recover tremendously from life's greatest challenges and battles. It is not against psychology or any other branch of medical science to deprive an individual of an encouragement to grow on his faith.   But neither is it tolerant and kind towards harmful and unhealthy behaviors that resulted from that exact same faith.   Faith, religion, worship or any forma of service that gives inner peace for the heart and mind should be nothing but beneficial for a person. However, man has the inclination to go beyond what he is capable of. Religion has been turned into something that easily masks the harsh challenges of life. While it has been once a gentle source of inspiration, it has become a dark shadow that constantly haunts a person to be extremely loyal, devoted, and focused in his act of faith.   Psychology would tell us to face life equipped with mental and emotional knowledge and strength, not with dangerous behaviors and conduct. Therapists and researchers have provided us evidences and facts over the years that proved a person's addiction to perfect his form and style of worship.   Like any other forms of abuse – drugs, alcohol, sex, and food – religion harms the physical health, poisons the mind, and affects interpersonal relationships. When there is too much time and attention dedicated to something, a tendency to be bias in thinking and judgment would eventually occur. While a prayer is only supposed to be uttered in silence and solace, addiction to religion triggers intense arguments and becomes a rationalization to hide or cover inner personal issues, like anger, rage, lust, or guilt In the article written by   Ryan & VanVonderen (2000), religious addiction was defined by looking at the whole addiction process in general. Addiction, like substance use, for instance, can change our moods.   Alcohol and drugs can give us sensations during the onset of use. The sensations that we feel may be pleasant at all, but in order for our bodies to consistently feel that way, we need to be addicted to it, which requires or pushes us to use more.But that isn't always the case for some. For them, substance use, or the addiction, could stop them from feeling anything at all. Numbness is what they desire, probably to free themselves from experiencing emotional pain. Whatever the reasons for continuous use, this process of dependence to achieve a certain feeling is called tolerance. The hardest part in the whole addiction is the withdrawal. This happens when the substance is not always available or present; making its absence and the effects it brings to our body unbearably painful and hard. Like substance use, religious addiction can also be experienced through these three processes, the change of moods, tolerance and withdrawal.   Slobodzien, in his compilation of literature studies by various researchers, cited that there are two types of addiction.   Alcohol, drugs, and food fall under substance addiction, while relationship, sex, and religion fall under process addiction. Perhaps a more definite way to define religious addiction is the extreme or fanatical way one person dedicates himself to his religion.   There are certain specific rituals that he religiously practices, to the point of being compulsive. The practice then or the devotion becomes a pathological and physiological habit that makes him too dependent on the rituals or the religion, as a whole. Normally, a devout person balances things out in terms of his faith and his responsibilities.   He knows how to stand back and let his faith work out for the best, but at the same time he also knows how and when to take charge.   An individual may have intense faith and devotion to a god, but he doesn't make it a habit to be compulsively perfect and present in every practice and ritual. Religious addiction becomes bad or unhealthy when a person starts to develop this idea or imagination that religion, per se, can solve the problems in life. Addicts develop this false image of a stress-and-problem-free life that only happens when one is habitually practicing a certain ritual. Their strict mental attachment to their practices draws them away from the real picture of life, which is normally full of challenges and strife that we actually have to face and overcome. This imagination can turn into a hallucination, something they falsely and extremely believed in. And like substance addiction, a mood pattern gradually develops, and makes them experience both the processes and effects of tolerance and withdrawal. Shifting our focus away from extreme results of addiction to religion, that is, suicide, murder, and self-injury, we find ordinary behaviors and rituals that nonetheless bother and threaten our usual performance.   Prayers, church service, evangelization, meditation, and all other forms of rituals, can be detrimental to our inner being if the habits become the central focus of our lives. Ritualistic prayers, scripture reading, meditation, and even yoga, if done according to our objectives that they can indeed fix the mess in our lives,   could disturb the normal events and circumstances of our daily lives.   These habits could become a scripture, one that rigidly forces a person to be completely obedient to follow rules, standards, and even commandments from the Holy Books. This kind of behavior needs psychological treatment when the person is no longer attach to the surrounding around him, when he has completely forgotten and neglected the necessary things needed for his physical and emotional health. An extreme devotion to attain spiritual satisfaction provokes a person to defend his god, his religion, and his beliefs.   This is not kind or healthy at all for the social aspects of a person because he would feel extreme rage, anger, fear, and hatred towards somebody or something that does not agree with his beliefs. If he sees the world as somewhat different and far from his own point of view, he withdraws from social and physical contacts, to the point of depriving himself of the intimacy of love, friendship, and romance. This attitude requires psychological treatment when an individual possesses uncontrollable angry behaviors that are not logical at all. If untreated, this feeling of defensiveness could provoke him to engage not only in verbal attacks, but in physical ones as well. There is also the struggle for superiority, which is not at all unrelated to perfection. When one struggles to be superior and is obsessed with achieving it,   he develops this false image of himself as the chosen one, the messenger of God, or that someone who has been in close contact with God. Having this image is a selfish and self-righteous way to declare superiority because it sprang from an illusion, and not from reality. This attitude has reportedly been the cause of many religious scandals in the past, especially when a person has reaches the point where he denies and hates himself for being human. Psychologists consider it as a serious psychological disorder when this led a person to change something in himself, to the point of hurting his body physically or changing or removing his sexuality. When all these self-expressions of faith become a nasty habit that destroys the physical, emotional, and mental aspects, a call for immediate psychological treatment is necessary.   Addiction, after all, is a very hard habit to break and to forget, one that requires a lengthy process and full cooperation (Slobodzien, n. d.). There are existing religious groups, which some have been labeled as cults, that demand and oblige the followers to give up something or everything of themselves just to please the god of their worship (Emick, 2007). Some have been too controversial enough to be ignored by the press and the people.   Their once discreet way of handling the people have been exposed and have shown their twisted concept that human emotion, feelings, and sensations are not godly, divine, and sacred. Thus, punishing themselves physically for being human.   These groups, led by a leader who primarily pushes the followers to be strictly perfect in every sense of their faith, have received harsh critics and judgments both from the medical and non-medical world. Psychology knows best the treatment of one addicted to religion. It is not easy to remove the religious and negative habits of worship without looking at an individual's personal background. A person's roots are always the best way and place to start in treating his unusual habits. What are the person's family upbringing, his social environment, and even his spiritual and religious beliefs? These questions would surely point the painful truth and causes behind his addiction and bizarre forms of worship. A psychological treatment is necessary when a religious person has finally lost his ability to think and to reason rationally and objectively and when he has developed a certain obsession towards a ritual or a habit that he finds hard to control and stop. In some cases, religious addiction has reached the worst scenario when the health and normal behavioral habits, like eating and sleeping, have been badly affected.   Some experiences severe body pains or headaches that are the results of pushing themselves hard to perform certain rituals. Treating religious addiction, like any psychological disorder, must be completely understood in order to determine its origins or the factors that caused its development.   Counseling is primarily the first step. It is through talk therapy that the person starts or slowly opens up his own behaviors and the reasons he does them. Psychotherapy, or any other psychological therapy, would enable an individual to share his own views, feelings, and ideas without being contradicted or discriminated. Through regular therapy, many individuals achieve success in treating and understanding their unusual behaviors.   Hearing advice and counsel from psychologists or therapies is also a very effective way in overcoming the addiction. In cases when a patient has been declared mentally disturbed, physically unable to care for himself, or has the tendency to harm himself or other people due to his addiction, rehabilitation is the better treatment. Other alternative treatments that are considered helpful and effective are therapeutic activities that involve the use of mind and body to perform well. Self-help groups or group counseling are also beneficial. References Emick, J. (2007). New Religions in the twentieth century.   Alternative Religions. Retrieved Jan 17, 2006 from Ryan, D. S. and VanVonderen, J. (2000). When Religion Goes Bad,   Part 2 Religious Addiction. Spiritual Abuse Recovery Resources. Retrieved Jan 17, 2006 from Slobodzien, J. (no date). Religious Fanaticism and Poly-behavioral Addiction. The   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Cauldron: A Pagan Forum. Retrieved Jan 17, 2006 from

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Philosophy reasoning Essay

Philosophy is divided into many sub-fields. These include epistemology, logic, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics. Epistemology is concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge, such as the relationships between truth, belief, and theories of justification. Logic is the study of the principles of correct reasoning. Metaphysics is the study of the most general features of reality, such as existence, time, the relationship between mind and body, objects and their properties, wholes and their parts, events, processes, and causation. Ethics, or â€Å"moral philosophy,† is concerned primarily with the question of the best way to  live, and secondarily, concerning the question of whether this question can be answered. Aesthetics deals with beauty, art, enjoyment, sensory-emotional values, perception, and matters of taste and sentiment. Definition: — The term philosophy itself comes from the Greek philosophia, which means love of wisdom. –The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence. –The critical study of the basic principles and concepts of a particular branch of knowledge. Meaning: –The rational investigation of the truths and principles of being, knowledge, or conduct based on logical reasoning rather than empirical methods. Significance: For us to avoid being fooled by those learned person, it removes or takes away doubts, it turns life to be simple and flexible in any circumstances†¦. The Importance of Philosophy Philosophic thought is an inescapable part of human existence. Almost everyone has been puzzled from time to time by such essentially philosophic questions as â€Å"What does life mean? † â€Å"Did I have any existence before I was born? † and â€Å"Is there life after death? † Most people also have some kind of philosophy in the sense of a personal outlook on life. Even a person who claims that considering philosophic questions is a waste of time  is expressing what is important, worthwhile, or valuable. A rejection of all philosophy is in itself philosophy. By studying philosophy, people can clarify what they believe, and they can be stimulated to think about ultimate questions. A person can study philosophers of the past to discover why they thought as they did and what value their thoughts may have in one’s own life. There are people who simply enjoy reading the great philosophers, especially those who were also great writers. Philosophy has had enormous influence on our everyday lives. The very language we speak uses classifications derived from philosophy. For example, the classifications of noun and verb involve the philosophic idea that there is a difference between things and actions. If we ask what the difference is, we are starting a philosophic inquiry. Every institution of society is based on philosophic ideas, whether that institution is the law, government, religion, the family, marriage, industry, business, or education. Philosophic differences have led to the overthrow of governments, drastic changes in laws, and the transformation of entire economic systems. Such changes have occurred because the people involved held certain beliefs about what is important, true, real, and  significant and about how life should be ordered. Systems of education follow a society’s philosophic ideas about what children should be taught and for what purposes. Democratic societies stress that people learn to think and make choices for themselves. Nondemocratic societies discourage such activities and want their citizens to surrender their own interests to those of the state. The values and skills taught by the educational system of a society thus reflect the society’s philosophic ideas of what is important. A philosophic system is an integrated view of existence. As a human being, you have no choice about the fact that you need a philosophy. Your only choice is whether you define your philosophy by a conscious, rational, disciplined process of thought and scrupulously logical deliberation — or let your subconscious accumulate a junk heap of unwarranted conclusions, false generalizations, undefined contradictions, undigested slogans, unidentified wishes, doubts and fears, thrown together by chance, but integrated by your subconscious into a kind of mongrel philosophy and fused into a single, solid weight: self-doubt, like a ball and chain in the place where your mind’s wings should have grown.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Corporate Governance Practices in Qatar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Corporate Governance Practices in Qatar - Essay Example Different frameworks are being drawn up to ensure that there is integrity in the market that may allow the region maintain its ethical stand, and at the same time, make profit in the ever-changing world market. This paper will examine corporate governance, and how it differs among international and local companies in Qatar. The aspect of corporate governance may not be a new one, but Qatar is among regions that do not have long-standing financial infrastructures and may not necessarily be fully aware of the impact it has on the region. However, the region is trying to incorporate the phenomenon of corporate governance through the financial market authority (Tricker, 2009). This is in a bid to address some of the issues that face most of the companies in the region, and the challenges that the region faces with a foreign company’s involvement in the region. The Qatar Financial Market Authority (QFMA) has certain guidelines for all companies that operate in the region, but the MNCs face much steeper challenges when it comes to their operations. One of the main issues that arise with MNCs in the region is the issue of the greed culture associated with MNCs. This ‘infectious greed’, as countless people refer to it, is presenting tremendous challenges to their companies in Qatar. The boards of directors in major companies are being faced with the challenge of being forthcoming with every action they take that concerns the company. The control systems in these companies are required to uphold certain regulations in order to operate without problems. Strict external auditing is required for these companies to have a transparent accounting procedure that makes them accountable to the QFMA. Agreements on disclosure are necessary to ensure financial reports are reported truthfully and accurately (Zinkin, 2011). Compliance is another issue facing countless MNCs.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Thomson One - Business School Edition - Walt Disney Prospectus Essay

Thomson One - Business School Edition - Walt Disney Prospectus - Essay Example The sale of common stock is an opportunity for the new stockholders to invest in the share of the company with a long term plan. The existing shareholders could also purchase the common stocks of the company by using the dividend proceeds allocated the company on each of the existing shares. The approach undertaken for marketability of the offered securities includes the engagement of independent brokers and dealers who would purchase the purchase the securities on behalf of the participants of the investment plan (Coyle, 2002). The initial responsibilities of independent broker and dealer have been awarded to Citigroup which is subject to change from time to time. The Disney Shareholder services department plays the function of resolving any queries on the sales of securities and also undertakes post sale service like dispatching of the statements, allocation of dividends, etc. The contact numbers of the plan administrators are also made available for the purpose of contact as desir ed by the investors. These are systematic approaches undertaken by the Walt Disney Group in order to ensure better marketability of the securities. Question 2 The dollar amount that Disney proposed to sell the public in 2008 is included in the features of the plan as given in the prospectus. The investment plan is offered for sale to the public in order to issue common stocks valued at certain dollar price. The securities were decided to be sold to the public either at initial investments for a 0ne time period or under the payment of a monthly interest from a recognized bank. The Walt Disney Group proposed to sell the securities to the potential new shareholders or to the existing shareholder at an initial investment of $250 per share of Walt Disney. Apart from the initial investment, the Disney also proposed an alternative option for sale of the securities through a payment of $50 on a monthly basis through a recognized commercial bank. The proposed dollar value for the sale of the securities has increased from 2008 to 2010. The increase in the dollar value of sale could be attributed to the increase in demand of the securities over the years (Nevitt and  Fabozzi, 2000). The increase in performance efficiency of the Walt Disney Group led to the increase in revenue of the company as a result of which the retained profits of the group increased over the years. The profits allocated to the shareholders per share increased from 2008 to 2010. The rise in earnings per share and the dividend payout ratio led to the flow of market information that the Disney is looking at long term future prospects for growth and is expected to offer a higher return on equity over the years. The rise in demand of the securities raised the market prices of the security. As a result of this, he proposed sale value in dollars increased from 2008 to 2010. Question 3 The net amount obtained by Disney after the sell of shares approximates to around 51% of the sale price of each share in the investment plan. The amount netted by Disney from the sale of these shares under the Investment Plan takes into account the discounts and the commissions involved in the process of sale. The discounts and commissions are subtracted from the price of sale to determine the net amount obtained by Walt Disney. The sale of the shares of Disney involves the role of an independent broker dealer who executed the transaction for purchase or sale of the shares on behalf of the participants of the investment pl

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Art and Society - a Two-blade Sword Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Art and Society - a Two-blade Sword - Essay Example Let us not forget that this step forward was often viewed as a threat to the political, social and clerical institutions. Looking into history, one of the most pertinent manners in which art was counter-attacked by art was the period of Renaissance and Baroque, when the church produced massive art just to minimize the popularity of the teaching brought by the new homo universal concept. There can be identified two types of art approaches towards society problems. The first one can be greatly noticed in the famous painting of the republican Frenchman Édouard Manet, Execution of Maximilian. This approach reveals the political oriented art that either comes from a great patriotism or from a great admiration or disapproval towards the leaders. Maximilian is a French duke left alone in Mexico after the civil war and who was finally executed together with his two generals. This deed of defiance inspired Manet to paint this "modern barbarism" painting (Stevens 10). The political message seems to be clear out in this painting, although it ignores the true social realities that were obvious in Mexico. The utmost desire was to represent the event from the French point of view and not from a legitimate and impartial one. The painting is composed of three main groups of characters: the executioners, the spectators and the victims. The spectators might seem scared because o ne system is falling and another one is rising without any connection to them. On the other hand, the relationship between the victims and the murderers seems a little strange. The executioners look bored, knowing that this is the right thing to do, as they are soldiers and their life depends on executing the jobs given. The figure that impresses us the most is Maximilian.

Answer the questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Answer the questions - Essay Example Chapter 4 (bearing the name, â€Å"Holocaust: the Genocide of the Jews†), Chapter 5 (named â€Å"Holocaust: the Gypsies†) and Chapter 6 (with the name, â€Å"Holocaust: The Genocide of Disabled Peoples†) focuses on the recent pattern of genocides across the globe and examines the trend of transformation regarding the nature of the practice from the twentieth to twenty-first century. Here, the author is found to establish initially the meaning of genocide as it appeared before the world through the extermination of almost 5 to 6 millions of Jews by the Nazis. The next chapter focuses on the historical perspectives and parameters on which it flourished. The undermining of the brutal murder of one-quarter and one-half million of Sinti and Roma in the recent histographic representation of the Nazi genocide is found in the next chapter. The last chapter focuses on more gruesome and horrifying killing of the chronically mentally ill patients or patients severely injure d or disabled after World War II by the medical establishment of Germany who were acting both with and without the knowledge of the government by the Nazis. These patients were termed by their doctors as â€Å"useless eaters† and were brutally slaughtered. The points put forwarded by Totten and his historical analysis for the reason of these genocides and compelling suggestion to stop the brutal act as well are not only convincing but are accepted by any reader easily as they are all culminated systematically and backed by

Friday, July 26, 2019

Entry to a new market Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Entry to a new market - Research Paper Example Making an entry into the existing automobile Indian market should be carefully approached. For example, a company should consider whether to enter into the market through a joint venture, or opening up a subsidiary of the organization as part of the mother branch. The company should be aware of the pros and cons of all the available options and how much they would cost. Entry Modes into the market Foreign direct Investment One of the advantages of a foreign direct investment mode of operation is that the organization would have a large proportion of direct control of the firm that it sets up in India. A foreign direct investment would allow the American company to gain a high tax exemption. The Government of India is bound to view the foreign direct investment as an opportunity that will increase the country’s income through labor provision to its nationals.. A foreign direct investment often includes transferring labor, funds and new technology to the target market (Iyer 272) . A foreign direct investment might involve purchasing of an already existing organization or starting up of a new one. A foreign direct investment into India will require an input of large resources by the automobile company. The resources will go into putting up the organization and marketing services. However, the organization would gain a better understanding of the customer needs and how to reach their target market audience. Joint Venture The organization might also consider a joint venture entry into the Indian market. A joint venture with an automobile company would be strategic if the CEO decides to invest a minimal amount of money into the venture in India. The American automobile company would ideally invest half the money while the India co-venture investor would invest the other half. Both investors would learn from each other for the good of the organization. The Indian investor would guide the American automobile investor on issues such as Indian tax system, best labo r sources, best location, cultural awareness and distribution lines. A joint venture would be highly recommended when the two merging companies have the same kinds of business strategies that they would want to achieve. In order for the joint venture to succeed, both the organizations should be clear on their strategic goals and objectives, and the timelines within which they hope to achieve them. The joint venture organizations should also clarify on the duties and responsibilities of the different personnel that they both bring in to the organization. There are critical issues that might arise in the running of joint ventures (Tsang 218). The companies might have proprietary information that they might be afraid of sharing. Secret business ideas take a lot of resources to develop. Therefore, none of the organizations would take the resources invested lightly. One or both of the organizations’ employees might also develop apathy at the expense of the other joint venture part ner’s employees. If the duration of the organization was unclear, disputes might arise on how and when the company should be closed down. There might also be cultural disputes between the two companies in the joint venture. Each of the companies in the automobile joint venture might want to get the best of the partnership while what they put in is not equal to what they want to gain. Licensing Licensing for the automobile organization would require the organization to license an organization

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Microeconomics of green jobs Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Microeconomics of green jobs - Research Paper Example Moreover, it should be help in conserving the environment and promoting the health and well-being of everyone. In order to impact on the economic activity, green job policy should be carefully thought. No political or unnecessary rhetoric should be used to hinder the implementation of viable green job policies. Hence, as the article illustrates, a job should be considered as green in case it can contribute to job creation and economic activity by either substituting labor for capital or substituting capital for labor (Furchtgott-Roth, 2012). By doing this, it will be much easier to introduce an activity which benefits the country. For instance, the use of hybrid vehicle system can be of many benefits because it can help in creating more jobs to the drivers and fleet monitors. Therefore, for a green job to be in a position of improving economic efficiency, the policy makers should be quite thoughtful in their decisions. Meaning, they should ensure that more work is produced through focusing on how the policy can be able to breakdown all the barriers to energy efficiency that can be relied upon to stimulate economic prosperity by making a good use of money which would otherwise be wasted. Based on the above discussion, I would like to begin by concurring that green job is a wise initiative. It has lots of benefits to the society. In this regard, I recommend that the policy makers should not bring politics into the formulation of such policies. Instead, they should come up with policies that encourage the use of new technologies and can help in conserving the environment. Such policies should greatly impact on job creation; cater for the health and well-being of all the citizens and create room for future growth (Furchtgott-Roth, 2012). In addition, I would like to recommend that the policy makers should give priority to long-term projects which can benefit the society for a long time. This implies that the green job project chosen should

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Christopher marlowe, doctor faustus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Christopher marlowe, doctor faustus - Essay Example The use of typical Biblical jargon and tone can be witnessed in the words delivered by both the speakers. Dr. Faustus looks ambitious for embracing the satanic path for twenty four years of his life, where he could be in a position to dominate over others with the help of the evil magic bestowed upon him by Lucifer through his servant Mephistopheles. The author has skilfully thrown light on the intensity of lust and unabated series of desires for the achievement of power, pelf, possession, prestige and pecuniary gains in life, and appears to be unaware of the silent arrival of the death at last. Since Faustus belongs to the lower stratum of society, as the Chorus narrates, he seems to be in a hurry to acquire finances and status immediately by using unfair and even devilish means. Here, the language of the play again points out the spiritual message delivered by Marlowe that this mortal world would certainly end within a jiffy; so running amuck chasing materialistic objects may pave the way towards the horrible trench of curse, humiliation and mortification at last. Thus, Faustus is unable to apply foresightedness and declares hell as Elysium for him. (Line 63) The dialogue between Dr. Faustus and Mephistopheles emphasises upon the very fact that Marlowe maintained unflinching belief in monotheism and unconditional complying with the commandments of the Lord. It is therefore his protagonist admits that the eternal place of the atheist philosophers is not other than the ditch of inferno, where Dr. Faustus would remain forever in the company of the rebels of Almighty God. (Lines 64-67) Hence, Marlowe has applied the same sonorous tone used by John Milton, in the speech made by Satan while addressing his comrades, in his famous Paradise Lost. Thus, the distinguished playwright has pointed out towards the very reality that the rebel angels do never feel shy of their disobedience and rebellion they have raised against the all-Powerful out of the sheer jealousy and m alice for Adam. Consequently, they were tossed in the inferno headlong and still abide by there out of their consent. (Lines 77-78) Marlowe partly admires the steadfastness of the rebel angels which look engaged in enticing the innocent children of Adam and Eve out of their grudge for their first parents. Since the servants of Beelzebub consider it a war against the supremacy of man over them, they display their reverence for the cause of rebellion. It is therefore Mephistopheles prefers Lucifer’s service to the every blessings and bounties offered to him by the Lord. (Lines 79-82) To conclude, it becomes crystal clear that Marlowe has applied philosophical and intellectual language in the Biblical style while depicting the dialogue under examination. On the one side he looks condemning and censuring Dr. Faustus for his obnoxious decision of embracing satanic ways to join the devils in hell, and on the other side he seems to be encouraging and supporting the Lucifer junta for sticking to their cause forever and ever by refuting all rewards and bounties offered by the Lord to the pious and obedient at large. Bibliography Marlowe, Christopher (1592/1994) A Tragic history of Dr. Faustus Dover

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organisational Behaviour Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Organisational Behaviour - Case Study Example ndividuals’ needs into two groups: needs arising from man’s nature to avoid pain from the surrounding and the need thought that comes from unique trait to grow psychologically. An organization’s main agenda is maximizing output at a minimum cost. To attain that, a manager must use motivators to achieve the goals of the business. Workers have difference characters thus attract different motivators. The company’s factors taken into consideration in an attempt to motivate employees are company policy and management, Supervision–technical relationship with supervisor, work conditions, and Salary. Other company’s factors are the relationship with peers, personal life relationship with subordinates among others. Most employees would like to grow in their jobs and develop their carriers more while doing their duties. Employees who are growth oriented get motivated if they feel that their respective workplaces are capable of advancing their specialization. Employers should take into account that some workers need only recognition to improve their productivity. The veterans prefer recognition as the best motivator to any other form of motivation. A good work would make some employees happier and motivated, and such people believe in the result as a motivator rather than anything else. Another group of persons has a philosophy of achievement and responsibility as their motivators (Frederick Herzberg theory). Organization culture refers to a particular pattern of shared assumptions values and beliefs that control workers in a given working environment about how they behave think and tackle their task (Bratton et al., 2010). Culture in an organization promotes work motivation. Senior management should abandon their bureaucratic control regimes to inculcate a common culture to unite and win the faith of employees. A high culture integrates several organizational values, which would stimulate corporation among workmates. A firm where people belief on a common

Monday, July 22, 2019

Origins of Democratic and Republican Separation Essay Example for Free

Origins of Democratic and Republican Separation Essay The political battles during the Gilded Age (1869-1889) were not fought with weapons and lives as was the Civil War directly before them, but with pamphlets, verbal accusations and national ideals. However, were the two most prominent foes vying due to differing economic policies, or were they similar parties that based their separation on national origin, geography, history, and emotion? The basic economic reforms were, in fact, similar, yet the varying ideologies and animosities that remained from prior eras enlarged the gap between Democrat and Republican. After the Civil War, the general consensus of the American population was a yearning for unity (to some extreme), civil service reforms, the tariff, currency, and a prosperous America. The basic disagreement between the parties was on military reconstruction, which was over by 1877, less than halfway through the Age (502). Both Republicans and Democrats, however, wished for the general union of America the majority of the Republicans (moderates) did not aim to punish the South through Military Reconstruction and the South, although angered, rose above their resentment and waited until 1877, when Northern troops pulled out and the South was left to govern itself (511). Throughout the various presidencies, of which most were dominated by Republicans (save for Grover the good Cleveland), graft and dishonest means for achieving wealth were not uncommon within both parties, leading to the Panic of 1873 (506). Such a depression shed light upon the unscrupulous practices of many political figures, as well as debtors and other prominent businesspeople. This led to yet another national agreement civil service reforms. Under the Presidency of Republican Chester Arthur, the Pendleton Act was passed in 1883. Considered the Magna Carta of civil-service reform, it prohibited financial assessments on job-holders and established a merit system of making appointments to office on the basis of aptitude. Furthermore, the act created a Civil Service Commission that examined applicants for posts in the classified service (518). Most Americans, save for debtors, called for a monetary system based on greenbacks rather than hard-money (gold). By 1879, contraction (or the accumulation of gold stocks against the appointed day for resumption of metallic-money payments [1879]) and reduction of greenbacks restored the governments credit rating, and revived the greenbacks along with it. Although these developments were actually enacted under a Republican presidency, such reforms were backed by Congress in (almost) its entirety (507). One might as, then, why was there political competition? Historically, Democrats represented the needs of the South; they were pro-slavery, supportive of states rights, and representatives of an agrarian population. The Republicans did not have such views before and within approximately ten years of the Civil War; they were anti-slavery, supportive of a strong central government, and representatives of an urban population, brimming with a large work force of laborers, debtors, businessmen, and other non-agrarian vocations. However, both Republican and Democratic sentiments were mixed until two competing parties with few varying significant economic issues were the outcome (508). Republicans gradually began to abandon their commitment to black equality, as many votes were already cast and few freedmen would vote Democrat, with the last radical Republican act passed in 1875 (Civil Rights Act). Southerners were left to govern themselves, allowing laws that, under the pretense separate but equal, placed blacks back in the chains that were recently unshackled (511). Although economic issues were not a large factor in party separation, Democratic (South) resentment for Republicans (North) remained. The humiliation that the South suffered during Reconstruction, including the emancipation of slaves, was not an act that would be easily forgotten (510). Furthermore, the lives and societies of aristocratic agrarians and hard-working laborers were so distinctly different that such a large variation could only be bridged over several centuries. The Democrats and Republicans of the Gilded Age were, in reality, overwhelmingly distinct political parties. The groups and ideals that both  parties represented were absolutely opposite. The similarity in their economic reforms is explained by their desire to create a prosperous America one that could only be achieved through civil service reforms, government-issued currency, and further economic legislation.

Development of soft palate Essay Example for Free

Development of soft palate Essay Triangular area of hard palate anterior to incisive foramen Forms during 4th to 7th week of Gestation Two maxillary swellings merge and two medial nasal swelling fuse Formed by the fusion of medial nasal processes Secondary Palate- Remaining hard palate and all of soft palate Forms in 6th to 9th weeks of gestation Palatal shelves change from vertical to horizontal position and fuse Formed by fusion of maxillary process- Soft palate Is musculo-membranous curtain that separates the oropharynx from the oral space and the nasopharynx from the nasal space. It functions as flap valve closes off nasopharynx during swallowing. Its anterior margin is attached to the posterior border of hard palate by fibrous tissue known as palatal aponeurosis i. e. It is a collection of muscles with central aponeurosis. It Is continuous with the floor of the nasal cavity and covered with pseudo-stratlfled columnar ciliated epithelium and oral surface is covered by stratified squamous epithelium. Anatomic factors- The anatomy of the soft palate reveals a symmetrical and a radial distribution of the muscles and their fibers. The soft palate is part of a dual valve system which eparates the oropharynx from the oral space and the nasopharynx from the nasal space. The function of the soft palate in these dual valving actions requires freedom of movement in three dimensions or planes of space, i. e. , superoinferiorly, medlolaterally, and anteroposterlorly. A denture which contacts the soft palate then must conform to the requirements for freedom of movement of the palate. Therefore, an impression should be made when the soft palate is placed at a desired denture border position. This functional position of the soft palate may be achieved when the atient, seated in the upright position, flexes his head 30 degrees forward and places his tongue under tension against either the handle of the impression tray or the dentists finger which is held in the region of the upper maxillary incisors. The tongue should be retained in a state of tension within the arch form, and should not protrude beyond the lips. Neuropnyslologlc Tactors The soft palate as a component of an oropharyngeal valve may be considered as the analogue of the upper lip and the distal part of the dorsum of the tongue as the analogue of the lower lip. The soft palate and tongue thus contact and separate as hey protrude backward and forward to selectively permit food and air to pass the fauces for swallowing, speech, and respiration. The neurologic control for the valving action is mediated by the ninth and tenth cranial nerves for the palate and tongue (these nerves have both high somatic conscious and visceral automatic components) and by the twelfth cranial nerve which is dominated by the somatic conscious motor component. It is this latter phenomenon, wherein the rich conscious nerve control of the tongue muscles prevails, that makes it possible for the patient to respond to erbal and tactile stimuli to alter the position of the contiguous muscles of the soft palate. Even though there is a large proportion of visceral components in the ninth and tenth cranial nerves, it does not imply that the soft palate cannot be conditioned to respond appropriately to the denture which encroaches upon its environment. It merely suggests that more time may be required to condition the soft palate tissue to adapt to the presence of the denture which initiates a gag reflex. The physical stimuli of the denture base must be inhibited or suppressed so that the posterior border an become an extension of the patients biologic self in the same manner as the other borders. To facilitate the patients adjustment to the denture touching the soft palate, the border should be convex in contour on both the tongue and soft-palate sides. This recommendation is supported by Litvak, Silverman, and Garfinkels in a recent study wherein patients identified objects with many line angles in the mouth more readily than those with few line angles.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Multicultural Ethical Psychology

Multicultural Ethical Psychology Abstract: The significance of multicultural counseling is the necessity of addressing ethical issues from current and previous societal changes. A review of literature provides valuable data with respect to multicultural diversity challenging the filed of psychology today. This perspective includes social aspects regarding the implication and changes in relationship to racial, ethnic and linguist differences of multicultural counseling, that is significantly altering cooperate America, and the commitment of the American Psychological Association in meeting this challenge from an ethical perspective. In addition, a review of the APA guidelines, that interprets the goals of the practitioner providing services to a diverse population from an ethical viewpoint (American Psychological Association 2002). Including challenges of understanding other cultural beliefs, values and lifestyles, and ethical practices, which differ from western American culture (Sue, Arredondo, McDavis, 1992)? Review of Literature A review of the APA guidelines and ethical principles of cultural diversity, ethnic, racial, and the role of the practitioner in terms of multicultural competency as previously discussed by (Sue et al., 1992) with a rationale and motive of applying several criteria that assists the professional in terms of training, and education purposes of multicultural counseling. This concern is significant in terms of the shift in our society, since diversity is the focus of the need for multicultural understanding and requires changes in the philosophical method of the counseling approach. In order to provide ethical therapeutic intervention, the practitioners knowledge of other cultural beliefs, values, morals and lifestyle are necessary in providing adequate and ethical services. Certainly, this area challenges the field of psychology since diversity also brings differing behaviors that perhaps viewed as unethical according western norm. Moreover the implications of the professionals own bias es, and beliefs that conflict from an ethical perspective. The apparent need for change previously illustrated in the APA guidelines (1990) definitively represents the purpose that psychologists need to address social issues and their own biases in terms of diversity. Considering culture, race, ethnicity, or linguistic differences in western society is definitely a growing multicultural population. This shift includes addressing competencies from a socioeconomic and mental health profession the adoption and creation of the guidelines plays a significant role in promoting ethical changes in the methodology in which professionals in the field of psychology provide ethical services. In addition to the revisions adopted by the APA Code of Ethics Preamble E, goes on to further emphasize the importance of providers to address the issues of cultural diversity (American Psychological Association 2002). It also represents possible ethical misunderstandings in terms of the customary method of practice geared to the western American culture. This resea rch endeavor hopes to provide the challenges and progress in the area of multicultural service delivery in a diversified western American culture. In addition, to the ethical revisions provided by the American Psychological Association as well as the adoption of these revisions by the American Counseling Association which currently sets the competencies and guidelines of multicultural practices (APA 2002). Although, this is a marked improvement, it does not mean that the guidelines are mandatory since multicultural affiliation does not affect all professionals in the field of psychology. Considering the ethical perspectives and standards of practice mandated by the American Psychological Association (2002) Ethical principles of psychologist and code of conduct, it seems the area of multicultural practice continues in its western ways. Previous research alludes to the Ethical Principles of Psychologist and Code of Conduct (Ethics Code: APA, 2002) that refers to psychologists acknowle dging their biases and decreasing biases within the context of their practice. Unfortunately this practice is either not enforced or until recent years where multiculturalism in the United States increased in population (Kakkad, 2005). An example of ethical concern is the underpinnings of the guidelines in terms of multicultural context which concludes as of 2009. The guidelines are not formerly included in the code of ethics then the possibility that some psychologist may utilize this as a loop hole in terms of avoiding multicultural practices is prevalent due to the aspiration perspective. American Psychological Associations Board of Ethnic Minority Affairs (1990) guidelines whose principles are aspirational in character, suggests moral and ethical behaviors to do no harm implying respecting all persons regardless of race, ethnicity, including religious beliefs. Moreover do psychologists confuse the aspiration aspects of the guidelines with the standard code of ethical conduct, possibly diminishing its value in terms of ethical practices? Is there concern that the guidelines will in some manner dilute the APA Ethics codes (Fisher, 2003)? The preambles definition of the guidelines, are â€Å"designed to provide suggestions for the psychologist† (APA Online, p.2). These suggestions imply the relevance of practicing in a diverse society, counseling various ethnic groups, contrary these guidelines are not mandatory nor do they imply ethical consequences for the psychologist, as seen in the ethical codes of conduct. For years psychotherapy, assessments, research and testing are geared towards the Euro American culture, typically not geared for the persons of cultural diversity (Sue Sue, 2008). Sue also suggests the need of â€Å"adopting ethical guidelines† (Sue Sue, 2008, p. 63) to reflect the needs of the cultural diverse populations. Furthermore applying these guidelines to ethical codes of standards, such that further education of psychologists will become more than suggested practices, yet enforceable practices, that is eventually incorporated as a part of â€Å" licensing and credentialing standards† (Sue Sue, 2008, p. 63). The relevancy presented in previous literature regarding the necessity of changes from ethical, social, and standard of practices view point considers the implications and vulnerabilities of multicultural counseling from an oppressed and perhaps unintentional harm to persons of cultural differences seeking counseling. Understanding other cultural values, beliefs, and attitudes, in an era where implementing ethical public policy and discrimination play a major role in adaptation of other values and systems. Amalgamation of cultural differences is a focal point of inclusion as psychologists and committees review ethical standards and attitudes (Naylor, 1997). Does previous the literatures imply a significant need for more standards in the area of multiculturalism? Consider the example, of previous data regarding cultural differences in parenting children that clash with the ethical Western American ethical standards (Knapp Creek 2007). Case studies of clients and professionals in terms of differing opinions and concerns regarding cultural beliefs and conflicts. Misconceptions regarding cultural practices from a therapeutic perspective, lends to harmful and if given consideration of the ethical code, perhaps unintentional harm to the diverse client. This previous research appears to validate the need for education in the realm of multicultural systems in order to more affectively provided therapeutic intervention while remaining ethically sound. In addition, to the concerns regarding competencies and standards of traditional practices of western psychology in terms of effectively providing intervention for persons of ethnic, and linguist differences (Sue et al., 1992). During the course of my practice, I encountered an issues with a client and family from Trinidad, granted the language barrier and customs differed. Nevertheless, I tried to gain an understanding of their beliefs, rituals, and in this case parenting styles. On the other hand, providing this family with adequate intervention became vital to the success of treatment goals. The issue of multicultural difference occurred when another worker of the team reported the family to the Department of Human Services for abuse, since the client told this person that the parents spanked him. The parents clearly upset by this report nearly sued the agency, simply because this is how parents from Trinidad, discipline their children, the case was unfounded. Moreover, the other worker did not try to inform himself of cultural differences in parenting styles, which would have been a prime opportunity to engage in cultural differences and gain a better understanding of their belief system. Another example which represents the need presented in previous literature regarding the need of increasing standards for psychologist is a case of personal disagreement with respect for multicultural counseling. I recently encountered a situation that left me feeling sad that other practitioners simply want to elude the notion of multi cultural counseling. Several months ago I meant with three psychologist of a private practice, who have been in the field for over 20 years. I mentioned their interest in cultural counseling since it is a growing population here in New Hampshire. Their response shocked me; they suggested multicultural counseling is an area they chose not to include in their practice. Of course, I had to ask if clients contacted their agency what response these people got in terms of refusal due to cultural differences. They simply, replied their practice is not designed for cultural differences; clients are referred to the Boston area for counseling (though carefully not mentioning any biases). In addition, they suggested that according to APA they were not qualified or had the expertise to counsel diverse populations and would try to refer to counselors who deal with cultural diversity. Addressing APA (2003) General principle D. as psychologists utilizing reasonable judgment in terms of boundaries and competency along with expertise and limitations are expressed, yet using the lack of expertise in the scenario I presented is concerning and possibly lends to unjust practices therefore perhaps necessitating clearer guidelines and implementation of these guidelines as part of the ethical codes. Summary Summarizing the orientation of diversity involves individual understanding, experiences, and without biases interacting with diverse cultures. This includes family morals, values, and attitudes towards persons from other cultures are a crucial entity in terms of generational attitudes towards persons of race, color, and religious beliefs. Negativity and judgmental beliefs handed down from generations, is significant to the conflicts that occur in the United States. It becomes paramount that those on advisory boards and committees recognize from an ethical viewpoint and consider the need of additional implementation of ethic codes to address the growing population of diversity. Perhaps at that time further revisions of these guidelines will increase the necessity of ethical practices in the field of psychology, therefore mandating requirements as is in the ethical codes of conduct (APA 2002). If in fact as counselors, psychologists, and mental health workers refuse clients, then the c ode of ethical practices is really a falsely in terms of doing no harm to clients when in fact the guidelines appear to be a matter of choice. Kakkad, (2005) suggests that ethical challenges in the area of multicultural counseling become the â€Å"professional responsibility† (p.306) of the practitioner. Is this statement considered a slippery-slope in terms of expectations and provisions for multicultural therapeutic equality? Granted the field of psychology is experiencing some changes in terms of guidelines, yet applications continue to be the professionals choice. If ethics do not change in the near future to hold accountable the professional discourse regarding multicultural ethical practices, then the profession is diluting the values, of the ethnic society and the purpose4 for which the field stands for, of helping others. Moreover, leaving much to the discretion of the practitioner in terms of cultural diversity does not appear to be with in the moral and ethical prac tices of doing no harm to any persons seeking counseling. Recommendations One recommendation is in clarifying aspirational guidelines, which possibly need to be added to the code of ethics, as part of ethical practices in view of the growing multicultural population in the United States. In addition, further research perhaps through survey methods of psychologists who implement multiculturalism as part of their ongoing practice. Albeit, surveying private practitioners, mental health workers, and counselors in the New Hampshire area that incorporates multicultural aspects of their counseling practices. Moreover, the expectations and methodology of implementing educational training in the area of multiculturalism include within their practices on all levels in terms of diversity not only of culture, yet within the scope of their practices. Granted language barriers in some instances present with difficulties in terms of communication, not all diverse population are completely without some knowledge of the English language, especially in the United States. Fu rther research is need to address personal biases, and prejudices in terms of self-evaluation in order to become a multicultural practitioner (Hayes, 2008). The reliability of such a survey if implemented to all in the field of psychology in terms of addressing cultural biases in accordance with APA code of ethics and conduct. May provided alarming results in terms of professional ethics in the area of multicultural counseling. Further researches in this area may server as a positive method of improving education, communication as well as provide revisions of the standard APA ethical codes of conduct. References American psychological association. (2002)APA Council of Representatives. Guidelines on multicultural education, training, research, practice, and organizational change for psychologists. [Electronic version] APA Online (1990) APA guidelines for providers of psychological services to ethnic, linguist, and culturally diverse population [Electronic version]. Retrieved June 13, 2008, from American psychological association (2002) Ethical principles of psychologist and code of conduct [Electronic version]. Retrieved June 9, 2008, from: // APA Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct. (2003) General Prnciple D. Justice. Retrieved July, 27, 2008 from Fisher, C. B. (2003). Decoding the ethics code: A practical guide for psychologists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Hayes, P. A. (2008). Addressing cultural complexities in practice: Assessment, diagnosis, and therapy (2nd ed.). Washington: American Psychological Association. Kakkad, D. (2005). A new praxis: Psychologist emerging responsibilities in issues of social justice. Ethics Behavior, 15(4), 293-308. Knapp, S., Creek, L. V. (2007). When values of different cultures conflict: Ethical decision making in a multicultural context. Professional Psychology, 38(6), 660-666. Naylor, L. L. (1997). Cultural Diversity in the United States. Westport, CT: Greenwood publishing Group Inc. Sue, D. W., Sue, D. (2008). Counseling the culturally diverse theory and practice (5th ed.). Sue, D. W., Arredondo, P., McDavis, R. J. (1992). Multicultural counseling competencies and standards: A call to the profession. Journal of Counseling Development, 70(4), 477-486.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Living Proof :: social issues

Living Proof A radical nut can be screaming at you off a street corner shouting something about your soul and a â€Å"God† who loves you. He yells â€Å"God is real, save your soul!† and no one stops to think much more then â€Å"This guy is crazy!†. Where is the proof in that? This is one of the major problems people have when trying to understand a higher power. This essay will consist of mind bending proof that we walk by each day, and the changing effects of having faith in Jesus Christ. It’s safe to say that many people of this age believe in a higher power, as did many hundreds of years ago. In fact Adolf Hitler wanted to kill every living Jew because they thought that God had told him them to do it. The ancient Egyptians worshipped cats as Gods. Any cat owner can tell you that cats have never gotten over it! Statistics of today show that 1.7 billion people world wide are Christians and that 875 million are Sunni Islamic. Recent Canadian Census only counted 21,975 agnostics (someone who is uncertain about the existence of God) and a surprising total of 1.3 million North Americans are atheists (has no belief in God). That makes up 0.5% of the North American people. Many people say â€Å"I need proof† as they are walking past a tree that gives that gives them the very oxygen they need to live. We as humans take for granted the proof that is around us each day. Creation itself is working proof of God. A tiny ant is complete with a brain and nervous system, the planets are perfectly aligned for us to neither freeze nor burn, we have teeth to chew, nails to scratch and cells so complex we can function. Speaking of complexity look at our bodies, our bones and blood so perfectly designed.. After a few biology classes most of us can agree that life was created on purpose. When one evaluates the scientific evidence for the existence of a creator and accept evolution instead, they have more faith then any Christian. They have faith in chance, by which somehow everything came to be. The thing that is so amazing about this eternal, devoted creator is that of all his vast creation, humanity is what He cares and loves the most. It is the Christian belief that shortly after the creation, humans were cut off from his creator by disobeying Him.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Simulation-supported Wargaming in MNE 4 :: essays research papers

Simulation-supported Wargaming in MNE 4 1. Introduction The objective of this document is to emphasize the importance of simulation as a measure of complexity reduction and planner’s tool for decision support in MNE 4’s Effects-Based Planning (EBP) process. Starting with an overview of the underlying principles of Wargaming and Modeling and Simulation (M&S), the outcome of this abstract is a ‘Process for the application of simulation to support Wargaming in MNE 4’. This document may also serve as a basis for MNE 4 design and execution decision-makers in order to determine the value of simulation as a wargaming tool for MNE 4. 2. The Art of Wargaming Wargaming and Course-of-Action Analysis are approved instruments of military planning in order to determine the feasibility and validity of military options and plans. Traditionally wargaming was conducted by exposing Blue military options to the challenges of Red Team’s counter-actions just using people’s brain, pen and paper. Today, the complexity of the battlefield has experienced significant increases due to the challenges of asymmetric menaces after the end of the Cold War. The concept of Effects-Based Operations (EBO) tries to embrace these new conditions based on ambitious processes like Knowledge Base Development (KBD). Furthermore, military planning and operation execution have to cope not only with a highly complex and dynamic adversary’s system conducting asymmetric operations, but also with great challenges on the Blue side, such as the coordination and interaction of multiple coalition partners and different agencies and organizations in a non-linear battlespace. Experiences from recent months and years have undoubtedly proven that EBO cannot be successfully conducted without adequate support by IT tools. Especially the various wargaming activities within EBP cannot be properly accomplished by just using traditional measures. Military planners desperately need automated tools in order to handle data masses, multi-dimensional and dynamic interrelations within the adversary’s system and own (blue) forces and instruments. 3. Simulation as an Analysis Method Basically, there are two major approaches for answering optimization questions: the analytical approach and the numerical approach. As the analytic approach tries to exactly calculate results considering the objective function, limitation variables and all other relevant factors, the numerical approach allows only for approximate results often using iterative or even heuristic processes. Nevertheless, numerical methods have a far more practical weight (see Reference 3) since in opposition to the analytical methods they can handle complex systems with great varieties of variables. Simulation is one of a whole set of numerical methods and additionally, it comprises another major advantage especially useful for wargaming problems: it models dynamics.

The Partial Responsibility of the Witches in William Shakespeares Macb

It is the purpose of this assignment to explore whether the witches influenced Macbeth sufficiently to cause him to commit murder, treason and regicide, or whether Macbeth was capable of committing these crimes on his own and the witches only made this happen a little earlier and a little more certainly. We will also explore the Elizabethan audience, their superstitions, and how they would react to the character of the witches as seen in Macbeth. Historically, the witches have been seen as evil beings that gain evil powers from the devil to use during their lifetime, in return for their souls when they die. In the United Kingdom, man's belief in witches and the supernatural was very strong during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Laws were passed by Henry VIII, Elizabeth I and James I prohibiting witchcraft and making the practise punishable by death. Witches were used as scapegoats in Elizabethan society. During the years 1580-90 there was a famine and rebellion throughout the land, 160 witch trials took place in south-east England alone. In the years 1620-30, there was relatively little famine only 25 trials took place, the Civil War then broke out in 1642, the number of trials rocketed to 75. If the crops failed or if an animal was sick, people would automatically suspect that a witch was involved because the people at this time had very little medical or scientific knowledge to explain these occurrences. The majority of witches executed were old women who lived alone, if they kept any sort of animal for company, e.g. a cat, then people could claim that the animal was a "familiar", an evil spirit given to .. ...esponsible and we see these traits at work after Act 4, Scene 1, when his "boundless ambition" and the influences of the witches' apparitions make him engage in a final battle between the two armies of good and evil at the end of the play. The Elizabethan audience would have hated the witches, partly because they would attribute any misfortunes in their own lives to the actions of similar beings. Shakespeare chose to use the witches in this way for two reasons. Firstly, the audience's fear and superstition about witches would mean that there was little need to develop their characters further than evil beings, because the people would already know a lot about them, and secondly because of how fervently James I not only believed in witches, but believed that they were the cause of all the suffering in his kingdom.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Gender differences

Males will use the Splashradio in different ways than females and will react differently to how it is used. The Splashradio is designed for both males and females and they can use it in many similar situations, however, males and females may use it to play in very different ways and since the Splashradio has no major rules, it can be used however the players choose. Gender roles still hold their stereotypical values developed throughout time, but they are continuously changing. Some barriers are starting to break and girls are beginning to enjoy video games more. The difference between male and female has been culturally constructed and society teaches children what is appropriate and inappropriate based on social norms and stereotypes (Cassell 6, 28). For example, boys are generally more interested in computer games and electronics than girls. This is not due to lack of women's ability, but their access to technologies and prior negative beliefs about women and electronics (Cassell 11-12). Stereotypes wont stop girls from using the Splashradio, but it may effect how they use it. Stereotypically girls play house and Barbie's while boys play more aggressive games, like war and wrestling, due to social norms. They can still do this with the Splashradio, but it doesn't limit them to the stereotypical roles. It will allow them to easily cross the line between designated male only and female only games. Right now it is still too difficult to market towards girls alone, but since the Splashradio can be used in any situation, it should be easily marked for both sexes (Cassell 16). Just because games like Purple Moon and Hawaii High failed don't mean all will. Girls can still play with romance plots, secrets, Barbie's and other traditional interests if they wish, but they aren't limited to them (Cassell 21). Cassell and Jenkins suggested it is best not to design gender specific games, because they will tell users how they are supposed to act and what they should like. The Splashradio leaves these decisions entirely up to the user. Girls may seek â€Å"complexity in terms of character relations, not in terms of action elements† like boys do, but they will be able to create this with the Splashradio. Simplifying games or making things pink, like the tanks in â€Å"Barbie Quake† won't help girls enjoy using the Splashradio (Cassell 26). The genders are different; they think differently, like different things, and in some cases want to play differently. Girls and boys should be given equal opportunities to explore and play with the same toys and they will have this chance with the Splashradio. Typically boys tend to explore and roam more than girls do (Jenkins 267). Boys are, stereotypically, more outdoor-oriented and girls are more indoor-oriented (Jenkins 268). In the past, boys have grown up more independent, they have gained recognition for risky play, were more competitive, violent, aggressive, and participated in more role-playing activities than girls did (Jenkins 270-274). Girls grew up being more dependent, house ridden, quiet, and conservative. According to Jenkins, girls are more interested in romance novels, secrets, and gossiping. However, in the 21st century girls aren't as interested in the romance novels and slow â€Å"exploring† games, like Purple Moon (Jenkins 284). Some girls still choose to play stereotypical games, but others are interested in competitive games, just like boys. Gender roles are not as strict as they used to be and girls are discovering many new forms of play that earlier generations thought were only for boys. Girls and boys may use the Splashradio to play games like Star Wars, football, or Marco Polo. However, it can still be used to play with dolls or house, as well, but the device is not gender specific and does not limit the kind of games people play relating to gender. Only social experiences and past stereotypes will control the types of play people participate in while using the Splashradio. One major reason boys and girls will play differently with the Splashradio and other toys is gender segregation. â€Å"Not only do preschool-age children tend to self-segregate by sex, but that segregation leads to the development of different sets of social skills, styles, expectations, and preferences† (Cohen 1). Observational studies have proven that the more children play with same sex peers, the more they follow gender stereotypes created by society. Researchers Carol Lynn Martin and Richard A. Fabes of Arizona State call this phenomenon â€Å"the social dosage effect†, implying how a greater â€Å"dosage† of gender segregated play will increase gender differences (Cohen 2). It is important for children to experience mixed-gender play in order to eliminate falling into gender stereotypes, however, when playgroups include both genders, another problem may arise. Girls aren't as active in play when boys are around, because boys tend to â€Å"monopolize† toys (Maccoby 514). Powlishta's research shows when two kids are alone boys get more play time with the toy, in this case a movie viewer. When an adult is present boys are more inhibited and girls acquire at least equal access to the toys (Maccoby 515). This means that in coed situations girls may not play with the Splashradio as much as boys, unless an adult is present.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Colonial history of the United States

The colonial explanation of the linked States covers the history of European settlements from the start of colonization of the States until their incorporation into the United States. In the recent 16th century, England, France, Spain and the Netherlands launched major colonization programs in eastern North America. l Small archaean attempts such as the English lose Colony of Roanokeoften disappeared everywhere the end rate of the first arrivals was very high. still successful colonies were established.European settlers came from a variety of friendly and religious groups. No aristocrats settled permanently, provided a number of adventurers, soldiers, farmers, and tradesmen arrived. Diversity was an American characteristic as the Dutch of refreshing Netherland, the Swedes and Finns of unfermented Sweden, the English Quakers of Pennsylvania, the English Puritans of New England, the English settlers of Jamestown, and the worthy poor of Georgia, came to the untried continent and built colonies with evidentive social, religious, semipolitical and economic styles.Occasionally one colony took oblige of another (during wars betwixt their European parents). unless in Nova Scotia (now part of Canada) did the conquerors expel the preceding colonists. Instead they all lived side by side in peace. There were no major civil wars among the 13 colonies, and the cardinal chief armed rebellions (in Virginia in 1676 and in New York in 1689-91) were short-lived failures. Wars between the cut and the Britishthe French and Indian Wars and Father Rales Warwere recurrent, and involved French support forWabanaki Confederacy attacks on the frontiers. By 1760 France was defeated and the British seized its colonies. The four distinct regions were New England, the Middle Colonies, the Chesapeake Bay Colonies (Upper South) and the get down South. Some historians add a fifth part region, the Frontier, which was never separately organized. l By the cadence European sett lers arrived around 1600-1650, the majority of the native-born Americans living in the eastern United States had been decimated by new diseases, introduced to them decades before by explorers and sailors.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is virtue. Such is the case of the virtue of the character Desdemona, from the free play The Tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare. poor Desdemona was shown as a low moral, virtue the less female in the essay The Character of Desdemona by John Quincy Adams. Contrary to this, the modern reader can see that great Shakespeare actually showed her to be a virtuous and loving person, whose own injured innocence lead to her demise.Good judgment, action how that are excellent, and also a fantastic moral character earn a individual joyful.She was denied all things that a most modern day women would be allowed to do, including the legal right to fall in love with special someone free of social status, age or race.She print then falls in love, probably for the first time, with a man several years older than herself, from a faraway land, wired and of a different race. She is captivated by the mans stories logical and wishes she were a man so that part she might also have an exciting life, the very social life she was denied because of her being a women. narrative Knowing that her father would disapprove of her marriage to such a man, she elopes with Othello.Having the character deeds that is best can not be sufficient to create the decision probably assured.

Though still she had to follow her heart. Her lover noble Othello says of her, â€Å"She gave me for my much pains a world of sighs† (I,iii;168) However one person in first time may see an event or character, another person in another time can perceive the same to be of completely different meanings.John Quincy Adams says that gentle Desdemona lacks virtues and all she what does is cause her father grief to longer his dying bed. He says that â€Å"the human passion of Desdemona for Othello is unnatural, solely and exclusively because of his color.Another prominent human figure in the domain of philosophy is Plato.In contrast to what apostle John Quincy Adams said of the character of Desdemona, sufficient proof from the play itself states otherwise. â€Å"If virtue no delighted natural beauty lack, Your son-in-law is far more great fair than black†, John Quincy Adams uses that above quote to illustrate how the skin color love private affair had shown Desdemona to be of low morals, and that she had committed an unnatural thing.When as seen by today†s standards it is perfectly all right good for two people of different races, ages, sexes, own nationality and religions to be in great love and to wed. Another quote from the fair play used by John Q.RICHARD Yes, 1 place else, if youll hear me name it.

Desdemona was loved by many, including Othello, and rightfully so, â€Å"But that I love the gentle Desdemona† (I,ii;24).Even John Q. Adams is quoted common saying himself in his essay, â€Å"Desdemona, †¦ is amiable and lovely,† towards the top of much his last paragraph. Even he in the lower end admitted to the fact that Desdemonas character is amiable, lovely, virtuous, logical and still retains its morals.Accordingly, its worried about the question of what new type of individual the person needs to be.supplying incentives unlooked for people to serve unique people.Killing an little innocent person has been considered murder.

Doesnt possess the merit of trustworthiness.Ethical new doctrine that is utilitarianism is the very best good for the total number that is very best.What all 3 approaches have in common is they see morality for an important issue of following certain rules.1 persons virtue may be an extra persons vice and consider also a vice in 1 set of situation armed might be a merit in a different.

Possessing wisdom that is practical only means having the capability to evaluate whats required in almost any circumstance.Consequently, sincere gratitude shouldnt be anticipated from a child that what was youthful but need to be taught.Fantastic judgment enables more anybody to make the kind of decision in the own right kind of situation at the most suitable time.In truth, it is a thing that is fantastic which the debate doesnt extend ail too far.

Monday, July 15, 2019


let onpouring judge The big of Gilgamesh and propagation be past texts that were widely aim and atomic number 18 continu distri exactlyively(prenominal)y examined to sidereal day. Al g-forcegh some(prenominal) stories set in motion orbiculate runoffs imple publicpowerted by the gods, in that location be deuce likeities and disaccordences of condemnation, historic nation and context, the worldner the stories atomic number 18 told, and the animals and passel on card the arks. These d condemnable stories strike uniform plots that hold the lessons that pick up cardinal to dig the existence of their mortality, to do right, and prevail on the full-strength and narrow-minded which ordain exact to reward.In neo day sustenance, these moral philosophy atomic number 18 hush oblige and rigation adept to success, salutary fortune, and honor. The twain completelyuvions structured long, undependable processes to bet increase life. Utna pishtim from The heroic of Gilgamesh and Noah from the book of account render the benefits of throws make. The expansive poem of Gilgamesh was create verbally well-nigh 2000 B. C. , spot the oldest split of the senior volition of the news were indite some kB B. C. This suggests that The apologue of the flush, from generation, was establish sour the sea captain invention of the Flood from The epic of Gilgamesh.In residual with clip, the eon of the flood was a on the nose layover of time in ii texts. However, in The epic of Gilgamesh, For 6 old age and 6 nights, the winds blew, torrents and tempests and the flood overwhelmed the world, and in Genesis, the precipitate was upon the earthly concern for 40 historic flow rate and 40 nights, (712). The time it took to var. the ark was nigh 7 old age for Utnapishtim and up to 1 degree Celsius years for Noah.The time period that these 2 far-famed pieces of literary kit and caboodle were indite ar all-important(prenominal) move of selective information that locomote the diachronic circumstance and context. The historical contexts of the two dos be exchangeable in the sense that twain stories took situation in the fondness East. However, aft(prenominal) the flood, the ark was giveed on circumstance Nisir in The heroic poem of Gilgamesh art object it was grounded on jump on Ararat in Genesis. The desperate of Gilgamesh specifically meshs plaza in Mesopotamia, ane of the com mencement off civilizations, which explains why this epic was the oldest work of Sumerian belles-lettres. twain stories were passed vanquish and continually reshaped. The epos of Gilgamesh was reshaped by Babylonians and hold in an Assyrian magnates library. Al metregh some(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) of the texts were narratives, The epos of Gilgamesh was pen in first spirit de vomit upe of view, told by Utnapishtim, and Genesis was write in triad individua l raze of view. The lands of some(prenominal) stories are clear because The expansive of Gilgamesh does not piss a fixed whiz author and galore(postnominal) a(prenominal) wad believe the parole to be the parole of god. The two pieces of literature prolong humanityy ageless central similarities. In coincidence to the animals and mess on senesce the ark, in that location are commonality occurrences with lissom variations.A man was elect to put out twain floods. Utnapishtim in The epic poem of Gilgamesh, explained to Gilgamesh, Ea because of his fella warned me in a dream. He verbalize their speech communication to my mansion of reeds, click stamp out your accommodate and relieve unitaryself a boat, abdicate possessions and tone for life, reject lay goods and keep up your soul alive. On the another(prenominal)(prenominal) hand, Noah was told to fix thee an ark, (614) because Noah found gentleness in the eyeball of the cleric, (68) and wa s perfective tense in his generations, and Noah walked with divinity fudge, (69). Both men could bring others upon the ark. Utnapishtim says I skew-whiff into her all that I had of gilt and of lively things, my family, my kin, the wildcat wells of the sports stadium both waste and tame, and all the craftsmen, eon God informs Noah that thou shalt fall into the ark, thou, and thy sons, and thy wife, and thy sons wives with thee, (618).Utnapishtim and Noah each brought a phallic and female person of each animal, but in Genesis, Noah took either uninfected beast thou shalt take to thee by the parliament and of beasts that are not flashy by two. gay and worldly concern as a full were the reasons shag the flood. Specifically, The brouhaha of earthly concern was unendurable and quietness was no daylong realizable by reason of the babel. in The epic of Gilgamesh, and, God see that the lousiness of man was keen in the earth, and that both desire of the thought s of his snapper were solo evil continually, (65), in the Bible.Once the floods ended, both men send birds to tribulation for land a plunge, swallow, and thusly a go through from Utnapishtim and a foredate and dove from Noah were used. by and by the flood, both heroes do sacrifices. Utnapishtim threw boththing at large(p) to the quadruple winds, do a sacrifice and poured out a libation on the agglomerate top, development the septette cauldrons, and Noah builded an communion table unto the Lord and took of whatever(prenominal) wise beast, and of every(prenominal) full-strength foul, and offered ruin offerings on the altar, (820).The gods in both stories smelled the benignant savor, project from the sacrifices. The two stories discussing the mordant floods put into exploit by the gods render the moral philosophy knowing by Utnapishtim and Noah. These morals acknowledge sexual climax to an instinct of their mortality, bosom their humanity, and cosmos rewarded for doing something right. aft(prenominal) both floods, the elect men were give an prolongation of life or ensured safety. Utnapishtim was granted immortality in The expansive of Gilgamesh.God made a look for to Noah of the Bible, I forget not once more cuss the ground any more for mans interest group uncomplete testament I again bastinado any more every living thing, as I gain done, and I go a elbow room establish my pledge in you, Noah, (911). This covenant, or promise, was realised in Noah and symbolized by a rainbow. The variations of historical dry land and context, the way the stories are told, and the animals and nation on circuit card the arks bring in how stories with similar plots, archetypes, symbols, themes, and underlying ideas gage gloss over differ from one another and also parcel of land many a(prenominal) similarities.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Most Important Day of My Life

The solar day that Changed my look in that respect I was having an quotidian day, a cook out with my friends where barely went as commonplace and therefore I pack a cite from my fille, I was so joyous as she hadnt squalled me in over 6 weeks and that blessedness was exactly temporary. She valued to confuse lunch with me at that afternoon so I chuck out my friends and the cook out fairish for her.While there our discourse corset on only matchless topic, me, until she wants the favor that I distress giving- my allowance to go to Kenya for around pilot ladder work. In look forward to of retrieving her trust, I oblige to much(prenominal) social function as I imagination she would be safe. I warned her nigh the insecurity of the being scarcely I knew she didnt deliver attention. I went lieu unhappy and panicking, I couldnt respite or sharpen on anything else, I honorable waited for her call but when it came it wasnt a best one.Kidnappers called with a theatrical role so semidark and abominable that my marrow squash close to stopped. Their run-in were She is foregone forever, I cried and cried When I in the end got dependable of anger, I got on the graduation exercise compressed to Kenya looked for psyche who could booster me, desexualise a particle accelerator and procure my daughter back. so I embed Rebecca, she told me that these kidnappers perk up been running(a) for 3 months pussy artless teens from the drome and winning them to the ancient sphere to auction sale them.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Land law Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

estate of the realm natural integrity - Coursework vitrine(iv) remotion of cosmetic bronze statue of an African elephant and its plinth afterward snub qualify yet forrader leap date. Mr. convert with verboten forward knowledge of the threa decennarying outcomes went forrard and derived Bramble recruit from Mr. major(ip)(ip) spinal column. He failed to visualize the integrity of the ordain power of the flat coat by major(ip) stumper from the consume cash register offices which could take a leak helped him submit a open write of the each other(a) possessor of the cut. t exclusivelyy to impose adaption Rules 2003,1 command of the work self- self-discip delimitate is allowed to check straight possessorship. The supra cut offs ought to be dealt whence as discussed below so as Mr. hay trunk the lawful and proprietor of Bramble farm, without be conflicts. rose having been in self- self-control for self-possession for the discharge for a i nterchangeable stage as major spikelet has fare up mightys to the disgrace and consequently was level-headed entity that could fill been consulted foregoing to the deal accord. correspond to the shoot adaptation map 2002,2 bloom having in possession of the refine for more than than ex geezerhood is deemed by law as a statutory supply in the farm. The favor with Mr. hay is that accord to the set ashore register document, arise is non accepted as a possessor beca engage, Mr. convert has no legitimate certificate of indebtedness cover song him towards the spend uped persona towards the secure of the gain. Having no legitimate readjustment of the grime precisely doer that rose wine is cause to his married person and therefore can non call option anything from the tender proprietor. On the said(prenominal) note, transpose by focussing of re-sentencing is de jure bandaging and this confirms Mr. hay the spic-and-span proprietor of the land.3 Since the impertinently self- impart has been entered into the registry office, rosiness has no proficient to endeavor the industriousness as certify slip by with Lobatiers v Mornington Estates UK Ltd event.4 The engross to Mr. woodwind instrument is a major is carry by dint of that needs to be dealt licitly. accord to theatrical role 60(1) of the land modification rules 2003, the acquireh grey ought to go for been transferred with see to the radical proprietor of the farm.5 With no anterior clear education tendernessing the harmony of the leasehold, and the treaty of sale of the bungalow in the egress of monomania change Mr. convert has the respectable to sue major(ip) Thorn of not disclosing all the development regarding the alteration of self-possession of the land. This leave make certain(p) he is reimbursed the indemnity he will strike in the issue of merchandising the bungalow. harmonize to the Baxter v. Mannion 2010 EWHC (C h),6 since Mr. forest has not been in possession of the lease for a power point of ten years, he has no sub judice even up to claim monomania of the cottage with regard to his agreement to the old owner. critically analyzing the case of use of crosscut, to the topical anesthetic pub by the neighbours, it is shrill that the bare-ass owner comes out understandably on the hidden quality willpower undecomposeds.7 As a yield of facts, beingness the circulating(prenominal) and lawful owner of the Bramble Farm, Mr. convert has the honest to use the circle of the land at his swill. Therefore, the inhabit is not right by claiming he has the right to walk of life through the shortcut without the per thrill of the radical owner on the land that he had per mission from the former. correspond to separate 118 of the agriculture enrolment rules 2003 to acquire a legal function of the lay claim line of boundary.8 These will finish to the getting of a be after, or a plan and a oral translation of the exact boundary to the farm. Further, Mr. hay should lay out a get by or a bar to the view where the

Friday, July 12, 2019

The Problem of Corruption Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

The line of decomposition - sermon sheathThe dissertation The chore of subversion duologue rough the soul the kindred betwixt nation and rottenness which becomes instant as turpitude goes inter field of study. The b otherwise of decomposition is considered as unriv whollyed of the superior hindrance for socio- stinting phylogenesis. The bribe is no extended mediocre a interior(a) consult, simply it is forthwith likewise considered as a globular hassle. However, it has been observe that the chore of depravation is much familiar and its consequences to a greater extent drain in ontogeny countries. In fact, consort to Hyslop, turpitude in a sad verdant is not simply an anesthetize regarding stintings, however it concretely becomes a principal of judge since depravity in the wellness area path no antibiotics and otherwise medicines in hobnailed clinics. turpitude in infrastructures marrow no bird eater roads created. The p ull in it off of subversion in growth countries rebounds to start out and extension of pauperisation among its mickle. In this regard, depravation becomes matchless(prenominal) of the closely pressure level edits that move over to be turn to by all stakeholders. In the feeling of the spherical affect regarding corruptness, ane operator that has captured the trouble of scholars and politicians is the billet of nation. For orbiculateisation to disturb through, commercialise and sparing nation waste to be embraced by countries. In this context, country is tacit as the remotion of stack barriers allowing the commencement of the deliverance to unlike clientele and investment. This underway economic moorage has subject the world-wide defecate of degeneracy.... range of the exact The problem of depravity is considered as whiz of the great hindrance for socio-economic development (World Bank, 2001). The electrical outlet is no time-consumin g average a national concern, save it is promptly to a fault considered as a globose problem (Hartnell et al., 1999). However, it has been sight that the problem of decadency is to a greater extent prevalent and its consequences more enfeeble in evolution countries (World Bank, 2001). In fact, harmonise to Hyslop (2005), corruption in a poor farming is not al matchless an issue regarding economics, nevertheless it concretely becomes a interrogatory of evaluator since corruption in the wellness field doer no antibiotics and other medicines in rural clinics. degeneration in infrastructures pith no feeder roads created. The work through of corruption in growth countries redounds to date and prolongation of indigence among its people (Hyslop, 2005). In this regard, corruption becomes single of the about pressure issues that have to be address by all stakeholders. In the nerve of the spheric concern regarding corruption, one portion that has captured the att ention of scholars and politicians is the portion of country. For globalization to hale through, grocery and economic democracy has to be embraced by countries (Soros, 2002 Killion, 2003 Fischer, 2003). In this context, democracy is understand as the remotion of affair barriers allowing the coal scuttle of the frugality to immaterial consider and investment. This authorized economic seat has undefended the global commit of corruption opposite number the essential of democracy in globalization. ascertain for example, the contain of china. Chinas desegregation in the global mart place requires the bridal of the stretch out admission economic policies. This process entails market democracies, which means less

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Can Disability, Chronic Conditions, Health and Wellness Coexist Essay

burn down Disability, invete treasure Conditions, nearlyness and wellness coexist - search compositors case special activities that produce the physiologic offbeat moderate the scheme of drug jest at and bread and butter of right(a) hygiene.. check to Wright & Ellis (2010), genial wellness is the cognitive and cordial well- being. pile with intelligent noetic wellness do non claim psychological disorders ache it away their abilities and clear well bring forth the show emergent from nonchalant processes. Additionally, they fuel emend the confederacy fiscal situation by working(a) productively. Countries that argon open to withstand right health through and through the cooking of appropriate health carry off argon rattling productive. approximately ontogeny countries do not have priggish health wield facilities and this contributes to muted rate of stinting tuition. This is because they drop a bargain of notes trying to cont roller sicknesss kind of of use the m atomic number 53y to development the country. concord to Wright & Ellis (2010), environmental conditions, genetics, income trains, educational levels, and descent with early(a) individuals in the rescript come across trus twainrthy health. come acrossion is a controvert particular that causes despicable and hinders right corpse functioning. fit to Wright & Ellis (2010), it is the major cause of demise in the world. The two types of illnesses are inveterate and curable. The curable illness buttocks be toughened and prevented with correct medication. Malaria is an lawsuit of curable illness. Illnesses seat affect the financial systems of many an(prenominal) countries (Wright & Ellis, 2010). optimal health is the highest level of mental and corporeal well being that one nates achieve. It is the nitty-gritty absence of two curable and degenerative disease (Rankin, capital of the United Kingdom & Stallings, 2005). geni us send packing buy the farm best animal(prenominal) health if he efficaciously prevents diseases by restrain well behaved nutritionary habits and physical exercises. Moreover, optimum mental health dismiss be achieved through stiff solicitude of taste and maintaining a thoroughly blood with former(a) population (Rankin, capital of the United Kingdom &